叶えたい未来に、あなた自身がなりなさい と。
Said a great man,
"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."
The future is invisible.
I want the connection between today, tomorrow and yesterday to be like a knot of glass beads melted and fused together, glass beads made of the colors of the memories of my dreams.
And someday, when the seams are broken and the glass bead balls are scattered in the sky, I wonder if a beautiful world can be created with the overflowing colored prisms?
The scent of the tide that the wind brings from afar is soothing. The blue sky and the glitter of the sun are painfully beautiful. The earth is powerful and very gentle.
May this world be beautiful forever.
May even the smallest part be a fragment of this beautiful world.
開拓史時代を思わせる vintage風のコットンレースのむら染めで作ったロングワンピース、山岳民族の民族衣装に伝わる柄を力強い原色で表現したプリントのセットアップ、柔らかく涼しい肌触りのコットンのミニ裏毛で作ったワンマイルウエアーは着物にインスパイアされたカッティングのスタイルにマルチカラーのトライバルなモチーフをのせて。
A long dress made of vintage-style cotton lace unevenly dyed, reminiscent of a pioneering history.  
A print that expresses patterns transmitted by the folk costumes of mountain tribes in powerful primary colors.  
A “One-Mile-Wear” piece made of soft, cool cotton mini-fleece. The fabric cut and the stitching of the piece is kimono-inspired with a multi-colored tribal motif.  
For the accent, the power of an Ikat woven prayer, woven with dyed threads, creates patterns handed down from ancient times. It adds more energy.
This is a collection dedicated to women who with their firmly set their feet upon the ground, powerfully open up the changing world and fill the winds of change with gratitude and love.

アメリカの著名な政治家は 60年代の彼の演説で、身を危険に晒して開拓した時代は終わりを告げたけれど、あらたなフロンティア=戦争・偏見・貧困・差別などの未開拓の驚異に対して立ち向かうことを訴えました。
今、 60年後の世界でさらに成熟した社会においても新たな驚異が尽きることはなく、新型ウィルス、高齢化、気候変動など、果てしない種類の問題と向き合う中での人々の日常があります。
社会の成熟と , 果てることのない新たな驚異の中での日常。
<As a design background>
In a speech from the 1960’s, a prominent American politician marked the end of an era of endangering and pioneering and confronted war, prejudice, poverty and discrimination.
Now, even in a more mature society 60 years later, new wonders never run dry and still, people are faced with endlessly re-occurring problems such as new viruses, aging and climate change.
Every day, life in a maturing society brings endless new wonders.
Clothes are for protection. For showing off power. For beautiful charm. For prayer.  
When I think about fashion I think of the many meanings it has passed down to us through history.

Spring & Summer Collection

Fall & Winter Collection



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